Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Phoenix and Peonies

I never realized how many people read my blog until I stopped updating for the past four months. During this break time, many people kept asking me if I still write and why I haven't blogged in so long. I think it is so cute how my parents, family and friends of all ages, and even guys read my blog too! They tell me they check every now and then to see if I posted anything, but noticed there isn't any recent posts.

I stopped blogging towards the end of last semester to focus on finals! I passed all my classes by the way! Yay! And in the beginning of summer I took a Creative Writing online class. This was a writing intensive class. I took a long break from personal writing to focus on my writing for school. It is so important for me to do good in school up until I graduate, since it will determine which East Coast college accepts me into their creative writing masters program.

Many people have been asking me what have I been up to lately. Last week, I started a yogi journey. I have never been so happy in my life! I will blog about this life changing experience really soon! I also want to say thank you to all my family and friends who call, text,  or message me multiple times throughout the week to tell me how much I inspire them in so ways! (creative writing, healthy food recipes/fitness inspirations, positive mindset, etc.) I really appreciate the sweet words! You all inspire me to keep writing!

photo by Dana Kaarina

rising from the ashes to write again,