Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lovely Day

Today has been such a lovely day. I started my day by walking to work. After my morning shift, I walked back home to gather my workout gear while I sipped green tea. Early evening, I hopped on the bus towards Chinatown to attend a Warmm' Yin yoga class at Moonstruck Yogi. During meditation time, I sent out positive energy to my friend's dad in the East Coast who is currently in the ICU and to my friend who was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. If you pray or meditate please keep them in your positive thoughts! After class, my instructor Tara offered us Chai tea. She is so sweet! On the way home, I picked up Caprese Salad to go from my favorite local restaurant Due Divino's. Besides work, most of the time I am with my friends. A couple times a week, I love to have alone time. Being alone lets you step back from the chaos, reflect, and appreciate the beauty of your day.

crisp basil, chopped tomatoes, and slices of mozzarella in my tummy,