Friday, September 16, 2011

Extended Bikini

Here are some of the main questions people ask me, when they find out I do laser hair removal:

Where do you go for laser hair removal?

For the past year, I have been going to Q Laser in Chinatown. Every couple months I come in to my appointment to get laser hair removal treatments done. The area I get done is the "extended bikini," which in a brief summary means everything front and back of a woman's private parts. At first I wanted to at least try a Brazilian wax, to see how it feels. But for some reason I went straight into Q Laser, curious and filled with questions. My laser technician "Lynne Stubenberg," explained to me the process and benefits of laser hair removal. After learning from Lynne's knowledge, I was convinced that laser hair removal was a better investment then waxing.

How many sessions do you go for and what is the comparison to waxing?

Five to seven sessions per area are recommended, each session is over $100 depending on the area. But in the long run it is a wise investment. For example: people who go to a salon to get a Brazilian wax once a month for how ever many years, end up spending thousands and thousands of dollars to maintain that one area. Whereas to get most of your hair reduced through laser hair removal in one area, can total up to almost $1,000. In the long run, you save thousands of dollars. Lynne also told me that if you keep waxing a certain area, over time hyper pigmentation of the skin can occur. For example: lets say if I got my mustache waxed for the rest of my life, over time the area of my upper lip can get discolored, and uneven.

What is the benefits of getting laser hair removal in comparison to shaving?

She also told me that it is better then shaving all the time, which causes razor bumps, in grown hair, and makes the hair grow back thicker and faster. She said that once all the sessions are complete, your skin will be smooth, even, and clean. She also said its nice for when women get their monthly or working out, so that the excess blood or sweat can't attach to the hairs and dry up, creating an odor. She also added that if you have a significant other, its nice for when you engage in passionate physical interaction, where the skin is bare and feels sensual and also doesn't create and carry an odor.

What is the process during the "Extended Bikini" session?

Every time I arrive there's forms that I go over and sign. I am then led to the laser room to undress the extended bikini area. She tells me there is a  towel ready for me to cover and a wipe to clean that area, then she leaves the room. When I am done, I  lay on the table, and let her know when I am ready. She comes back in and give me goggles to protect my eyes from the laser. The technician adjusts the energy level of the laser according to my skin type. Lynn starts to laser each hair one my one, each laser hit can burn up to 25 roots at the same time. She starts from the front and works her way to the back. In between she puts ice packs to numb the various parts of the areas. One by one she removes the ice packs and works on one section one at a time. She then alternates, to give breaks in between the different areas, for it to cool off and rest, then comes back to it later. The first session, is always the longest, but each time you come back for another session, the hair reduces, gets finer, and grows back slower.

Does it hurt?!

I'm not going to lie, there are some parts where feels really sore, like a quick heated zap. Especially when the laser is hitting the inner parts that are really sensitive. But not all of the laser hits feel like that, only the hair that is thick, in a sensitive spot, or when all the roots are hit in the same spot at the same time. Other then that, after a while you get used to most of it. The front desk offers a special cream you can purchase, prior to your appointment to numb and reduce the pain. But I never tried it, I always went raw lol. I recommend laser hair removal and think that it is worth it, considering all the benefits.

If you have any other questions, e-mail or comment me, mahalo!

sometimes the saying "pain is beauty" is literally true,

Monday, September 5, 2011

She Grooves Photography

Lisa Coleman is the talented creator of She Grooves Photography. I am always mesmerized by her talent of capturing moments. Lisa is my good friend, whom I used to work with in cosmetics. Two months ago, she asked me to be in an artsy photo shoot. The theme was "Universal Lush." I did my hair and make-up, and wore a dress from India, bangles from China, and earrings from Thailand. We did this shoot for fun, and so that I can be in her portfolio.

At first I was feeling really awkward, I didn't feel in place since it was the first time I was playing "model", and was the opposite of the typical model, I am a woman of curves and not that photogenic. Lisa observed this, so she started talking to me to ease me with her comforting personality. After a while I slowly opened up, and got creative with various poses. The final shots were so beautiful! I love her unique style of photography. Thank you so much Lisa Coleman!

Right now for a limited time only She Grooves Photography is having a Deanna Friend Special. If you are on the island of Oahu, and book an appointment with Lisa Coleman and tell her Deanna referred you, then you will get the deal of $100 for a 2 hr photo shoot! You get to choose ten of your favorite shots! To view her portfolio and to book an appointment with Lisa, please check her out on Facebook: She Grooves. I promise you won't regret it and will be satisfied with the final results!

Lisa rented a booth at last months Art and Flea, to sell and showcase her photography. Here is a photo of her and Scott (He is an amazing photographer as well. He is holding up a picture from my photo shoot lol. They both shoot for 808 Ink Magazine!)

At the Universal Lush shoot, Lisa told me to dance down the bridge aisle as if I were in a soul train lol.

Last month Lisa did a mermaid photo shoot with my friend Kat. I did Kat's hair and make-up. Her photographs turned out beautiful! 

Last month Lisa was also my personal photographer when I went to get my Phoenix and Peonies tattoo at Black Cat. This is my gorgeous tattoo artist Marie.

 Recently, Lisa's nephew came to visit from Washington. She took this black and white, candid photograph of him. This one is my favorite! I love how you can see his tattoo that says "Carpe Diem." And how his hat has Hawaii on it. From the outlines of his muscles and spine, I see how strong he is. I feel like the message of the photo is saying "Live life to the fullest with strength on the island."

enjoying the paused, soulful views of She Grooves Photography,


Some healthy to go snacks that I am obsessed with:
-Alo drinks
-Kashi dark chocolate granola bars
-frozen fruit

These snacks are yummy, low in calories, and convenient for on the go. What healthy snacks turn you on?

sunset peaches and cosmic blueberries,